Forgiveness — is not for “them” or the “other” it is for YOU! Why Not Free Yourself?

Lloyd S. Bailey
3 min readOct 3, 2019

When I saw this exchange as it was unfolding yesterday, it WOWED my heart! I wept like a teething child! I went to bed with this POWERFUL illustration of LOVE and FORGIVENESS permeating as a lightbulb across the hemispheres of my brain.

It registered within my SOUL! It felt GOOD! I was reminded of my TRUE nature and who we REALLY are; as natural beings of LIGHT and LOVE.

This was a God kinda moment - a transcendent experience, if you will. NOTHING but God here!

So, I woke up this morning quietly asking myself these questions - who or what in my life, I MUST forgive? Where and how can I LOVE, unconditionally?

I have seen the mixed reactions across social media regarding this case and the outcome, and I get it. The ongoing climate we live in is toxic at best and it feeds a discourse – of revenge, payback, retaliation, an eye for an eye, and if you hurt me I am must defend with as much force, or even greater.

But let’s ask ourselves this question – where has this gotten us? Pain matched with pain - multiplies pain. Unconscious minds going on the attack, can only create from its source, which is unconscious results and no one wins.

So what’s next? Must we continue destroying each other? We don’t have to prolong or match hate with hate, we can tranquilize and reduce its appearance with the forces LOVE.

The GREATER message in this photo, I believe – is that of COMPASSION, LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Even when we don’t think it is deserved, for our own sake let’s offer it.

It is time for us to WAKE UP and reconnect to our NATRUAL instinct and use it to serve and inform us. We all have the ability to LOVE! We all have the capacity to FORGIVE! These QUALITIES are organic to who we are. In the words of Brandt Jean (Botham Jean’s brother) - “I Love You! I Forgive You!” My heart was on the floor and my eyes gave way to a river of tears. Thank You for that divine moment, Brandt.

In truth, there are no shades of gray in offering up FORGIVENESS - either it's given wholeheartedly, or not. It is that simple!

Not only do we underestimate the power of forgiveness, we misunderstand its REAL purpose.

Forgiveness is a element of being human and never for "them" or the other person - forgiveness is for the person giving it. I have learned and continue to learn that – forgiveness is for me!

We are never doing “them” a favor; rather, it is more about the preserving and fully owning our BIRTHRIGHT – to be FREE and to be at PEACE within our own skin.

FORGIVENESS is the path we must walk to get there and stay there!

It's like that adage - "unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."

Forgiveness in its PUREST form is an attribute of LOVE. It not only frees us, it heals us and it is a actual PURPOSE and FUNCTION of the SOUL. The authenticity of being human is the ability to heal through LOVE and FORGIVENESS without having conditions.

Forgive - it is the RIGHT thing for you and I.

God knows this is a challenge; however, we will never be able to fully align with fulfilling the purposes of the SOUL (what we came here to be, do and have) if we remain blocked and clogged in the muck of being unloving and unforgiving. It's here we remain stuck!

We can choose to stay "RIGHT" and in pain, or FREE OURSELVES through the practices of FORGIVENESS.

Let’s clear the clutter that unforgiveness brings and be about the business of actualizing who we are here to BE.

We are RADIANT beings! Allow the world to see that LIGHT within. And as we do, how brighter and softer our planet will be?

Brandt Jean, thank YOU for the reminder. Thank YOU for lessons. And kudos to his parents, they did a phenomenal job raising a POWERFUL black man.

Gotham Jean, rest WELL my brother.



Lloyd S. Bailey

Certified Professional Life Coach. Ordained Minister of Spiritual Science.